Bhagawad Gita is a sacred song composed in verse form in Sanskrit which is simple but beautiful, depicting a dialogue about the science of ethics with dramatic elements between a student and his teacher, between a follower and Avatar, namely between Arjuna and Sri Krisna. .The Bhagawadgita holy book consists of 700 verses in 18 chapters, which in outline are divided into three parts, namely the first part chapters I-VI describe work discipline without expecting the results and the nature of the soul that is in our bodies, the second part chapters VII-XII expresses the disciplines of science and devotion to the Supreme Brahman and the third part of chapters XIII-XVIII outlines the conclusions of the two previous sections accompanied by the discipline of dedication of the whole body and work activities to be dedicated to the Eternal Brahman.Bhagawad Gita is the pearl of all forms and schools of religious philosophy contained in Hindu beliefs, contains metaphysical truths in various aspects and carries every form of thought, practice and religious discipline. He is the greatest synthesis and tolerance of various schools of thought. God is infinite, so are His aspects unlimited. Therefore there are no limited ways to reach Him. As Sri Krisna had stated to Arjuna: "Whatever path people take towards Me, I accept all of them from everywhere they all lead to My path, oh Parta". (IV.11)Bhagawad Gita teaches us to have a view in this life, namely that the value of a persons life should be seen in terms of how self-sufficient he has carried out while he is still in the midst of his society. Swadharma or lifes obligations to achieve ones truth distinguishes him from other people, and this difference does not lie in his material wealth, birth or rank in the position he has held so far. This difference, says the Bhagawad Gita, lies in his devotion to his God, his homeland and the people around him.This translation of the Bhagawad Gita is sourced from the Digital Library CD - Introduction to Hindu Culture Series (October 2002 Edition) compiled by the Central PHDI Pokjati.